Countdown to graduation

Seniors anticipate end of high school

With the last six-weeks started, seniors are getting the last day of school jitters. Soon the seniors of ‘22 will walk out of Boswell and across the stage for graduation.

For some, the idea of graduation comes with mixed emotions: nervousness, excitement and all emotions in between.

“I’m excited. I’m ready for some change in scenery,” senior Peighton Serda said. “Four years I’ve walked these halls, and I think change will be good for me to grow and mature as a person.”

“I am kinda nervous to graduate, but I am also very excited to start something new and live on my own,” senior Zoey Dupriest said.

Senior year is also filled with many tasks from filling out paperwork and getting accepted into college or into the workforce.

“My senior year has been very busy trying to get ready for moving out and heading on to college,” senior Emma Borchardt said.

Besides all the paperwork, some students believe senior year slips by in a blink of an eye.

“My senior year has gone by in a blur honestly, way too fast, faster than what I expected, but in some moments I reminded myself to pause and enjoy it,” Serda said.

Walking across the stage opens a new chapter for graduating Pioneers, but leaving Bos does not mean leaving the Bos friends and memories behind.

“My favorite high school memories are from sports,” Dupriest said. “I got close to a lot of people from volleyball and going to football games. Being involved was a great way to create memories with people that you love and may not get to see again later in life.”

Some students see graduation as a leap into adulthood or freedom, or some students are just ready for a break.

“I look forward to summer, as I’m sure plenty of people are,” Serda said, “a break before I start a new part of my life and some time to let loose and mentally prepare myself for what’s to come.”

Serda said, though, that the end of this year still brings mixed feelings.

“I think it’s partly being done with school, ready to start a new chapter, but i also feel like the other half is not wanting to leave,” she said.